Delve Responsible Data Use Assessment Summary


This document is a summary of Sidewalk Labs’ Responsible Data Use Assessment for its Delve product. (Sidewalk Labs is operated by Google LLC)

Sidewalk Labs conducts Responsible Data Use Assessments to ensure its work respects and protects individuals’ privacy, and that we are using data responsibly. Like a Privacy Impact Assessment, a Responsible Data Use Assessment identifies potential privacy risks at an early stage so that they can be appropriately mitigated. Additionally, Sidewalk Labs’ Responsible Data Use Assessments are designed to include broader considerations around data ethics to ensure the application of responsible data practices.

The Responsible Data Use Assessment only reflects Sidewalk Labs’ assessment of its Delve product, and is not intended to make any representations on behalf of its customers or any other party.

Overview of Delve

Delve is a product that helps urban development teams generate, evaluate, and explore designs for their development project, and advance their priority outcomes. The team first identifies planning inputs for the project (such as gross floor area for commercial or residential use, construction cost and net value for each use type), site constraints (such as height limits or setbacks), and priority outcomes (such as profitability, amenity access, infrastructure footprint, or daylight access). Delve then generates a model of these core components that includes buildings, open spaces, amenities, streets, and energy infrastructure.

By applying machine learning to that model, Delve explores a very large number of possible designs for a given project, and evaluates them based on the priority outcomes to produce a set of ranked options made up of the highest-performing design options. Development teams can use Delve to explore the design options, and export them in common file formats for further use.

Mitigation Measures

Sidewalk Labs has implemented a comprehensive set of data security measures to safeguard data and prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access to data, such as encryption of data at rest and in transit and the use of Two-Factor Authentication. Additionally, Delve includes additional key mitigation measures to address potential privacy and data governance considerations, including:

No Personal Information or other information about individuals is incorporated into Delve

Collection and use of Personal Information limited to customer user profile and login information, use of the service, and communication

Delve receives and uses profile and login information for the purposes of securely authenticating customer users who are authorized to access the service. Delve collects information about customers’ use of the product to improve it. Delve may also collect and use contact information to communicate with customer users and individuals who have provided their consent.

Data Portability

Customers are able to export design outputs in standard data formats.


Sidewalk Labs' Responsible Data Use Assessment is used to ensure its products and pilots respect and safeguard individuals’ privacy and use data responsibly by identifying potential risks at an early stage so that they can be appropriately mitigated. Delve is a product that assists urban developers to rapidly generate, evaluate, and explore a very large set of urban planning scenarios based on priority outcomes, and potential privacy and data governance considerations have been appropriately mitigated, in accordance with existing best practices.